2019: A Fresh Start
The start of a new year brings forth the feeling of revitalization. I’ve never been keen on making resolutions, or, deliberate changes to my lifestyle. I have always been a “take it as it comes” kind of guy and that ideal hasn’t changed. I do try to set goals for myself and it’s fun to look back at a year’s end and see what I was able to accomplish, while also examining the things I wasn’t able to complete and determine the reasons why I was unable to do so. Take note that I refrain from using the word, “failed”. I don’t believe in failure. It adds a negative connotation to the pursuit of success which to me, is an unusual assessment. The things you gain from simply attempting to accomplish something are for the most part, more valuable than the original end-goal of your ventures.
Let me stop rambling at this point, I’d like to welcome you all to my new website. A blank canvas on which I hope to create and share the moments of my life, intertwined with yours. Whether you’re a client, a prospect, a friend, or a foe - I hope to try to bring something more to the table in 2019 other than just a gallery of images. Until next time, cheers.